Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Stop the snivelin' ...

What'd I say almost 6 months ago?


There is no problem with closing Gitmo. If there's admissible evidence (not coerced through torture), try them in a U.S. court and sentence them. If there's evidence inadmissible in the U.S., take them somewhere far away and kill them (quietly, and make sure the bodies are never found). If there's neither, let them go. Period.


So now comes the big sturm und drang from the Rethugs, and the Spineless Dems are whining about what to do with the 'detainees' at Gitmo. Tell me, over the past 8 years, did the Rethug Congress ever cut the legs out from under Bush? To steal a quote second hand from Gord:


To be honest, it’s getting to the point where about the only thing that makes me proud to be a Democrat is the fact it proves I’m not a Republican.

Digby says:


I just have to laugh at the sight of Republicans defending our good clean All American killers against some SuperVillain Afghan farmer who "killed Americans or tried to kill Americans." I'm sure the American killers will happily vote Republican with that kind of endorsement (if they are ever let loose and Americans are "exposed" to them. )

This isn't even a debate. It's a pageant. A sick, stupid pageant

Greenwald says:

The "debate" over all the bad and scary things that will happen if Obama closes Guantanamo and we then incarcerate those detainees in American prisons is so painfully stupid even by the standards of our political discourse that it's hard to put into words, and it also perfectly illustrates the steps that typically lead to America's National Security policies ...

Comrade Misfit says:


90 lily-livered pantywaists in the US Senate ...

Yeah, that's about right.

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