Wednesday, May 13, 2009

This is why ...

My ass puckers every time the Mrs. flies in and out of little podunk airports (too often for my liking, thank you) on business:

The lack of experience, fatigue and low pay of the Buffalo-bound prop jet pilots involved in the worst U.S. plane crash in seven years created a "recipe for an accident," the government said Wednesday.


Transcripts of the flight's final moments reveal that Renslow, 47, and Shaw, 24, were chatting about their careers and her lack of experience operating a plane in icy conditions, according to the cockpit voice recorder.


Federal investigators hammered Colgan Air executives about the pay of their pilots — in [Copilot] Shaw's case, she made between $16,000 and $20,000 a year, according to testimony — as well as whether they were discouraged from getting second jobs and felt pressure by the company not to call in sick.


With those two in the cockpit, that flight was doomed as soon as the first ice crystals formed on the leading edges of the wings. How can these little shitbag commuter airlines expect to recruit quality people when they'd make a better living flipping burgers? The pilot should have never been in command of an aircraft and the copilot would probably have held nothing more than 'flight trainee' status in the Air Force. And I'm putting my wife in these peoples' hands? Time for the FAA to start squeezing some testicles.

Great thanks to Da Fez for the link.

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