Wednesday, May 20, 2009

WTF, Harry?

The Last Chance Democracy Cafe takes a whack at answering a question that seems to be popping up an awful lot of late:

When did Democrats become such freaking wimps?

To be honest, it’s getting to the point where about the only thing that makes me proud to be a Democrat is the fact it proves I’m not a Republican.

I'm there, dude.

But the real final straw that ended any sympathy I have for the spinelessness of congressional Democrats was Harry Reid’s moronic (and I choose that word carefully) statement about closing our disgraceful prison at Guantanamo Bay. [...]

“Can’t put them in prison unless you release them”? What does that even mean? Isn’t locking someone up the opposite of releasing them?

At this point, the only difference between Reid’s ridiculous remarks and those of Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) is that Reid is smart enough to know and acknowledge reality. Otherwise, the arguments are identical. In this sense, the Majority Leader’s nonsense is considerably worse, and far more insulting.

Republicans make demonstrably stupid arguments suggesting the US military is incapable of keeping a couple hundred bad guys locked up and, right on cue, Democrats quake in fear.

What a bunch of losers

If there's any one thing we know how to do in this country, it's incarcerate people. What the hell is going on?


The Rude Pundit weighs in, with links to Glenn Greenwald and Supermax, among others:

[...] But this ain't about the general failure of the American penal system or the blatant racism that inflicts this whole discussion. (And, you know, if these were a bunch of white guys from Europe at Gitmo, wouldn't this have been over years ago?)

No, this is about our punk ass politicians.

No shit.

In other words, the Rude Pundit doesn't give a grunting pig fuck about potential risks in bringing Gitmoians to the United States. The short-sighted Democrats who put the kibosh on the funding for closing the camp forget that that act is actually about restoring the United States's standing in the world.

But when some craven Republican he-whore exclaims that about the Gitmo detainees "They get better health care than the average American citizen does" and then proudly stands in the way of Americans getting health care coverage, well, what's the real threat to the United States? What and who do we really need to be afraid of? What's an actual national security issue?

Read the rest. He talks maybe a little (cough) dirty sometimes, but he knows what's goin' on.

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