Thursday, June 4, 2009

Gitmo = Dem fail

Creature has it right:

Closing Gitmo should be a no brainer. With today's Gallup poll showing Americans are not too keen on it closing, it is not. I blame Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats. I know the GOP, led by Cheney, were out in force against the closing, but it wasn't until the Democrats caved that the conversation changed. Suddenly it was bi-partisan to oppose the closing. Suddenly the GOP's rallying cry changed to "look 90 Senators agree."


Once again, Harry Reid proves "Majority Leader" is only a title. Any resemblance to real leadership coming from the Senate's top Dem is purely coincidental. I'm wondering if Ol' Harry got picked on a lot in school; always worried about what the Republicans will say and do. Like a dog that always approaches with its tail between its legs and pees on the floor as soon as a stranger comes close. It's pathetic.

In a time when Dems have such overwhelming potential to actually do some good, Harry frets about one little vote and will sell his soul to be filibuster proof (see: Arlen Specter). Opportunities fly by like the posts of a picket fence and Reid lets them go, afraid of angering the Republicans to the point of filibuster. Tell me, Harry, did they ever show you such consideration? You've got a lot of balls calling your web page "Give 'Em Hell, Harry". You're no Harry Truman. He would have told the Rethugs to shove it up their ass and like it.

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