Monday, June 1, 2009

How about ...

We send this asshole to Gitmo:

WICHITA, Kansas - Media reports say that abortion provider Dr. George Tiller has been shot and killed at his Wichita church ...

Oh, that's right; there's no such thing as 'American terrorists'. They're just good Christians following their beliefs. So, if it's my 'belief' that the people who demonstrate outside the local women's clinic, harassing everyone that goes in, are doing something contrary to my God's will, I can run 'em all down with my car? Just askin' because, I tell you what, it sure as hell is tempting.


Jill nails it:


But for the most part (including the troll who commented on an earlier post here yesterday), scratch the surface of a fetophile and you'll find a misogynist -- someone who feels that the dirty sluts who can't keep their legs closed deserve to be punished. When you look at who it is who kills these doctors, it's the very same teabaggers who have been praised by right-wing television and radio hosts as American patriots ...

Update Zwei

Athenae has another perspective:


And it strikes me, having ducked my head into some of the Freepi threads about Tiller's murder yesterday, that most people who rail against abortion even under these kinds of circumstances just have no honest-to-god fucking clue how any of this stuff really works. The dangers, the fears, the very real medical complications pregnancy can cause and what that MEANS for the people involved. I get that, I mean, it's easier to maintain your worldview if you don't think about what Tiller did as anything other than the horrendous thing it sounded like. I get that it's easier not to think about this except as the clinical description, and not as some situation where a woman and her husband were expecting a baby. Were happy. Were hopeful. And then had that all taken away.


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