Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How MSNBC Became a Liberal Mecca

Hmmmm. "Liberal Mecca". Interesting choice of words there, Rory, tying the newly liberalized MSNBC to the holiest place in Islam. Ya tryin' ta infer somethin' there, buster? Good article anyway.

“What happened with Rachel was very unusual,” recalls Griffin. “She was golden, an unbelievable success, in part because there clearly was another audience that felt underserved — left, webcentric, young — and instantly committed to her. They were voiceless, and now there is a voice. She really embodies our strategy of ‘personality, smarts, and politics,’ and that’s a combination will win for us.”

'Young', huh? Heh.

Now that Schultz has been added to the lineup at 6 pm, Griffin’s most immediate concern is what else to do in primetime, where the valuable ten o’clock slot following Maddow’s program is now devoted to re-runs of Olbermann’s earlier 8 pm cablecast. Can the MSNBC honcho offer any “vision” of what will “flow” out of Maddow?

“Is it necessary that the flow out of Rachel be progressive?” Griffin ponders. “I have a little different perspective. Honestly, don’t know if it will be a progressive — Rachel really came out of nowhere, and I don’t necessarily think her follow-up host has to be limited to that pure sensibility. Clearly it should be someone who is both smart and funny like she is… But I will make one promise: we’re not done yet! This is such a vibrant time in media, and I want to say to Rachel’s audience – and everywhere I go I get stopped, there’s such a connection between her and her audience, she’s helped open a new world of approaches for us — that people who like Rachel will like our new 10 o’clock show host and what we are going to do there. No, I take that back,” he concludes. “Rachel’s audience will LOVE IT! I promise.”

Buncha good 'comments' too.

I’m a Rachel fan and if you want me to love the newbie in the 10 o’clock spot it had better not be another white man.

There's one white man who I'd love to have a show, and that's Lawrence O'Donnell. The guy knows his shit.

She might be a little too abrasive, but I'd like to see me'n Fixer's Mom in prime time.

I didn't know this until I read the above link, but she's a Veteran! There aren't very many of the chattering class who can claim that.

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