Saturday, June 20, 2009

I know ...

I've been really cynical about health care reform but there is a bright spot. The stubborn old Liberals in the House have had it with the spineless fools in the Senate:

The Democratic Party showed on Friday what it's capable of when led by the majority of its members rather than its conservative wing. In stark contrast to Senate Democrats, who spent the week backpedaling on reform, unified House Democrats unveiled a draft health care overhaul bill jointly endorsed by three powerful committee chairmen.


Where the Senate Finance Committee's outline of a bill didn't include a public health insurance option for people to buy into, the House version includes a robust public plan that would operate nationally and compete with private insurers on a level playing field to keep them honest.


While the Senate has cowered from the debate over a public option in the face of Republican and conservative Democratic opposition, [Rep. Charles] Rangel said he relishes the battle.

"I'm anxious to take on those people who oppose a public option," he said. He'll have public opinion on his side. A recent poll showed 3 out of 4 people want a public plan as part of health care reform. "We've got the momentum." [my em]


Heh ... Charlie's a tough Korean War vet from Harlem who knows how to fight. This should be fun if he gets pissed enough to put a boot in Harry Reid's ass.

Link thanks to Joe.

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