Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I wonder ...

If William "The Bloody" Kristol has ever stood on the DMZ. If he's ever taken a look across to the north and then turned to the south and wondered how many would be killed in a military exchange on the Korean peninsula.

I have. I was one of those guys (U.S. Air Force 51st Wing, U.S. Army 7th Cav) who would just be a speed bump to close to a million NKPA infantry (and that's not counting the Chinese PLA who would most certainly back them up if we took the first shot) coming across the border, let alone the millions of innocents in Seoul who would also become casualties minutes later.


Kristol and his merry band of he-men think that the United States can drop bombs on any nation it chooses without consequences. This is despite the fact that never in human history has such a consequence-free imperialism ever come to pass. If we "targeted" air strikes on North Korea (10, 20 million dead, depending on the breaks), they would bomb Seoul. And kill a lot of people. Indiscriminate projection of military force has brought us through failed wars over the past several decades and the death of hundreds of thousands. Bill Kristol views this as an inconvenience.


Overslept. See yas later.

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