Friday, June 12, 2009

Might as well ...

Quit smoking now. Won't be long before you can't get a good cigarette anyway:

By a 3 to 1 margin, the House of Representatives today approved a bill passed by the Senate yesterday that gives the federal government sweeping new powers to regulate tobacco.


For smokers, the law will mean confronting graphic warnings of the risks of their habit every time they pick up a pack, and possible changes to the formulations of cigarettes and cigars. The law bans most cigarette flavorings and orders the FDA to study the issue of whether menthol should also be banned, on the theory that the flavorings mask the harsh taste of tobacco and make it easier for first-time smokers to get hooked. [my em]


Can't ya let me kill myself in peace? Instead, I'm gonna go to the grave with the DTs and a shitty personality. Heh ...

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