Friday, June 5, 2009

The next ...

Republican presidential candidate:

It took Janine Sugawara four years of daily eating a box of Cap'n Crunch Crunchberries before she finally discovered that Crunchberries are not an actual berry and not even a fruit. I'm guessing she finally wised up when she went to a Home Depot looking for a Crunchberry plant for her backyard.

Well, Janine was ticked off at The Cap'n so she sued him for fraud in Federal Court and said that most reasonable people would also think that a Crunchberry is a real berry. Ummm. No. Most people would realize that a Crunchberry is a colored ball of cereal called a berry to make you feel better about yourself that you are eating a product where the number one ingredient is sugar.


Great thanks to Watertiger for the link.

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