Sunday, June 7, 2009

Oh, the Humanity!

You know how much the French hate us ... not:

The AP has a bunch of photos documenting this terrible treatment of visiting Americans. They're lining up on the streets to protest the visitors, surely, because everyone knows that the French are always up to no good and detest all things American. Clearly the sneaky Frenchies don't know that they owe us for saving their bacon. Besides, just because they helped win independence for America doesn't matter because it was too long ago to matter. Brace yourself for horrible scenes below and if you can stand it, here's a video of them protesting as well. They go so far as to comment on the big American automobiles! Oh the humanity!


You know, as an American who speaks very little French, you would think (from everything you hear in this country about the French) I'd have nothing but hassle when I went over there. Well let me tell you, after numerous trips to Paris and the French countryside, we have never had a problem or been met with disdain. And no, we don't hide the fact we're Americans.

What they do have a problem with is Americans coming over there with the attitude that we know and do everything better. It's the "Ugly American" act that doesn't fly over there, or anywhere else in the civilized world for that matter.

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