Thursday, June 11, 2009

This is why ...

The Rethugs and Blue Dogs don't want a "public option" included in health care reform:

... The study say that 120 million Americans will choose to leave their private insurance coverage and take the public plan instead, because it's cheaper.

In other words, a GOP-style study admits that, if given the choice, Americans would flock to a public plan.



And D-cap dispells some myths about single-payer:


Socialized health care is not the right path for this country - Every other major Western country (and even non-major ones) has a single payer universal care system. And many of them have healthier populations who live longer lives. The real reason politicians (Republican that is) are against socialized medicine has nothing to do with principal - and everything to do with the huge drop in profits by the insurance companies. Folks in the general population who are against socialized medicine would be for socialized medicine in a New York minute if it meant affordable care for their kids. It is hard to believe most people (even the gun loving, anti abortion, hate the gays crowd) are against reform and change because of a word. It is also hard to believe people actually feel good about the current system. Well they feel good about it until they get sick. Idiots.


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