Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The 8th Level

This is Scott Shane and Jane Mayer on Charlie Rose last night, talking about the CIA, torture, rendition, secret prisons, and Cheney. Long but worth watching.

A lot of folks, including Glenn Greenwald, think AG Holder's investigation of torture will only be directed at low-level operatives like at Abu Ghraib. This is probably so, but...

The last 5 minutes of this 27 minute clip address this. To crudely paraphrase Ms. Mayer, "Probably not legally containable...their lawyers have already prepared charts showing up to 8 levels of authorization...fingers pointed straight up...Bush and Cheney authorized it (big smile)".

When Holder rubs the lamp the teeny little bit he plans to, he's liable to get a bigger genie than he ever thought. This is good.

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