Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Aw, shit...

After I read this article,

Rahm Emanuel Signals White House Is Willing To Compromise On Public Plan

I sent this e-mail:

Dear President Obama,

My wife and I voted for you and like you and want you to succeed, but...

If you do not get a 'public option', you have not 'reformed' health care and your Presidency will be a failure for the rest of your term. Period.

Pardon me for putting it this way, but screw the health 'insurance' industry and its Republican politicians. They're the ones who got us into this mess and they're not the ones who will get us out of it.

The time for 'health care for profit' is over. Unlike the dinosaurs of old, these dinosaurs see the end coming and are fighting it tooth and nail. The American people must win this one and enter the 21st century with health care for all like the civilized nations have.

Health care should be like a beer run: everybody kicks in, everybody gets it, nobody gets rich.

Please do the right thing.


Not that it will do any good. I don't have $1.4M a day to spend. It just made me feel better.

The 'beer run' reference is from here.


I know the Repugs are not solely responsible. They have a lot of help from the Dems in holding us back from the correct path. I didn't mention that in my e-mail because I didn't want to further Obama's delusions about non-existent bipartisanship for any other reason than to keep the lobbyists' money flowing in like seawater into New Orleans.

Update II:

BuzzFlash headline:

President Obama Offers Weak Reassurance that He Will Back Government Option in the End.

Rahm's trying for the 'trigger' option. It won't work. Period. The big insurers will just co-opt it and nothing will change.

Note to Obama: Bitch slap that little fucker and get him pointed in the right direction. I like Emanuel, but not this time.

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