Monday, July 27, 2009

Big Pharma Party Poopers

AlterNet. Go read.

Drug researchers are trying to replicate marijuana's therapeutic effects, but without the "side effect" of getting people high.

"Side effect" my ass. Yeesh. These clowns want to take ten years to make over and worsen something that has been proven for thousands of years, all so that can make money from it without pissin' off the Puritans and the liquor industry (go see this). It's OK if it helps you, as long as you don't have any fun.

It's no wonder they've been fighting ganja legalization tooth and nail and will continue to do so. There's no money for them in a remedy you can grow at home that's good for you and fun to take.

A short poem, a couplet perhaps, just popped into my head:

If yer eyes ain't red
Yer off yer meds...

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