Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bill Kristol admits govt.-run health care can be better than private

We all know that Bill Kristol is a warmongering neocon anti-Obama wrong-all-the-time asshole. I almost turned The Daily Show off last night when he came on, but I didn't and I'm glad.

Watch Jon Stewart play Kristol with light line and set the hook and trap him on health care in this. Kristol also volunteers to get Sarah Palin to "do" Jon. Heh.

See it in print here.

That’s when Stewart struck.

“Bill Kristol just said … that the government can run a first-class health care system and a government-run health care system is better than the private health care system.”

“You trapped me somehow,” a visibly uncomfortable Kristol responded.

Yeah, he let you talk.

Also, it's pretty obvious Kristol has no experience whatsoever with military health care. There's a big difference between what they have to do after a grunt gets his leg blown off and day-to-day health care, and how they look at PTSD and TBI.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bill Kristol Extended Interview
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