Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Социализированная медицина ...

According to Krugman and the CBO*, it works:


But last week the budget office scored the full proposed legislation from the Senate committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP). And the news — which got far less play in the media than the downbeat earlier analysis — was very, very good. Yes, we can reform health care.

Let me start by pointing out something serious health economists have known all along: on general principles, universal health insurance should be eminently affordable.


We can afford 'socialized medicine', and no, I don't have a problem with the name:


After all, every other advanced country offers universal coverage, while spending much less on health care than we do. For example, the French health care system covers everyone, offers excellent care and costs barely more than half as much per person as our system.

And even if we didn’t have this international evidence to reassure us, a look at the U.S. numbers makes it clear that insuring the uninsured shouldn’t cost all that much, for two reasons.


The only thing standing in the way of a comprehensive health care overhaul are those in the pockets of Big HMO.

*Link thanks to Mr. Aravosis.

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