Friday, July 17, 2009

Got a lot to say now ...

Assholes. Where were you two clowns when you were rubber stamping Bush's idiocy? The time to speak up was then, instead of pandering to the mouth-breathing 'base' of your party. Fucking whores.

Two former Republican members of Congress have accused their GOP colleagues of putting party politics over the Constitution during the Bush years, arguing that they failed dramatically to check the White House's use of executive powers.

Former Reps. Mickey Edwards (R-Okla.) and Chris Shays (R-Conn.) made the argument that if the Republican-controlled Congress had exhibited greater oversight during former President George W. Bush's time in office, they could have prevented some of the most calamitous results of that administration and even saved thousands of lives.


That's why you two morons are former congressmen. Assholes.

Thanks to Maru for the link.

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