Thursday, July 9, 2009


BUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY by Brad Reed of Commonweal Institute

The Neocons Have No Credibility, So Why Do They Get So Much Media Exposure?

Shorter: Anything more complicated than the neocons' "We Have The God-Given Right To Rule The World By Any Means Necessary" message makes the highly-paid political analysts' heads hurt.

For those of you unfamiliar with the neoconservatives - or neocons, as they are often referred to - they're a clique of right-wing foreign policy ideologues who think the use of American military power is always justified under any circumstances. The endgame, as neocon Max Boot put it, is to have American troops occupy the "troubled lands" that "cry out for the sort of enlightened foreign administration once provided by self-confident Englishmen in jodhpurs and pith helmets."

That's the same outfit they have the hookers wear to administer the beatings. The English liked that too and they ruled the world.

Ask the Limeys how that's been workin' lately.

*In the neocons' case, Keep It Simple and Stupid.

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