Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Live-Blogging of Jeff Sessions Committing Fellatio at the Sotomayor Hearing

RP on the Sotomayor hearings. Do not miss! Caution: May be some bad language.

Hey, look, it's racist wad of fuck Jeff Sessions of Alabama...

Sotomayor says, more or less, "Lick me, fucker. Look at what I did, not what I said." When Sessions asks about Sotomayor's statement that appellate court is where "policy is made," she kick Sessions' bony ass all over the place.

Oh, yeah, Sessions is gonna act like he's got something, because the knuckledraggers back home need to see him beat up a Hispanic woman.

There's a reason why stereotypes of backwards ass country fucks exist.

Hey, just a fuckin' minute here, city boy...

Sotomayor kicks him in the nuts and says to stop teabagging himself and don't be an idiot...

Sessions doesn't actually give a fuck what she says or how she answers. He is trying to get her to crack, like if she is pushed, she'll bring out maracas and yip and trill her voice, revealing the whitey-hating freakin' Rican within.

Sessions: "Why didn't you use the cases I want you to use to decide Ricci?" Sotomayor: "Um, the Supreme Court decided it using the same issues I used."

- When Sessions asks if Sotomayor "understood" Ricci and the other firefighters and their concerns, it's really just "C'mon, Judge Spic, you don't give a shit about white people."

Thus, Jeff Sessions cupped the balls of the racist right as it came in his...


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