Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Republicans Will Be Toast in 2010 If the Dems Pass Health Reform, and They Know It


If Obama and the Democrats get health care reform done, the Republican Party is finished in the next election. So it's pulling out the stops.

P.M. Carpenter

Obama quakes at the notion of a Congressional recess, because he knows his party's truly identifying mascot has devolved from the stubbornly determined donkey to the rabbit -- a scared, neurotic, running rabbit. He knows the power of negativity is tenfold that of the positive; some of these lawmaking boys and girls might hit the panic button after experiencing a month of intense, specially interested, home-district pressure groups opposed principally to a public option.

And that is why, in turn, these negative voices are salivating at the thought of delay in the poisonous form of a summer recess; it could well be a cooling period that ultimately ices the odds of authentic reform.

Meanwhile, however, and on the definite upside, these voices aren't doing themselves any big favors in their unthinkingly splashy and over-the-top negativity: and as long as Congress sits (and sits, and sits) in session, Obama can more effectively exploit many of the more egregious examples.

Yesterday, for instance, it was heartening to hear his aggressive pushback to Republican Sen. Jim DeMint's ruthlessly feckless comment -- "If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo; it will break him" -- but just as stunning, to me, was the sympathetic cable-news commentary that poured from Obama's rebuttal, which itself noted the wholly politics-centric nakedness of DeMint's comment. Why was I stunned at the high broadcast volume of negativity against DeMint's negativity? Because, simply, I thought that if anything in this world was axiomatic to the now tedious point of non-noteworthiness, it was that contemporary Republicans are always more interested in political success than people's welfare (my em).

Job One to all politicians is to get re-elected.

Job One-A to Repugs is to see that Obama fails so they stand a chance of getting back in power and keep the corporate gravy train running full speed for them. Cash or check.

Health care for all Americans? Best Repug outcome is mandatory private health insurance for profit. 46,000,000 new wallets their masters aren't tapping into yet. 'Single payer' to them is if the money comes from the taxpayers to cover folks who can't afford it. Mox nix, as long as the bucks go to their capitalist bosses.

Health care itself? Not important. Power and money are what's important.

Besides, real health care might keep people from getting sick. Where's the money in that?

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