Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sunk at the Dock

I've just finished reading "It Came From Wasilla" by Todd Purdum in Vanity Fair. Here's the last paragraph of a very good and worth reading six-page article:

On a rare fine day in Juneau, not long ago, Palin was seen sitting in the sunshine in the broad plaza near the state capitol, alone with her thoughts and some reading material for more than an hour and a half. Down the hillside below her, the big cruise liners that ply Alaska’s Inside Passage in the summer months were beginning to call in the port. Only two years have elapsed since William Kristol and his colleagues disembarked from one of them and hearkened to her siren call. Sarah Palin might well have been wondering whether her own ship is going out, or just coming in.

I took two things away from the article:

First, I'm almost grateful to the far right whackos for getting her onto the McCain ticket. That act, perhaps more than any other single thing, absolutely, positively ensured that Obama would be elected President, and

Second, that Fixer gets advance copies of V.F. and/or has mad sardonic skillz of prophecy!

It was a simple matter for me to dive in with a paintbrush and change SS McCain to SS Moosebreath on her stern. Hmmmmmm. Perhaps I could have chosen better wording than 'dive in' and 'her stern' in the same sentence whilst referring to Palin. Nah, it's OK. She has people to do that.


In related news, the V.F. article has touched off yet more feuding deep within the diseased bowels of the Repugs. Good.

Here's a teaser. Swallow first. Heh.

“I'm sure John McCain would be president today if only Bill Kristol had been in charge of the campaign.”

Loyalists to Palin, including Kristol, were outraged at Purdum’s piece, believing it to be another example of what they see as elite media contempt for the Wasilla native.

And yer point is...?

Total soap opera shit. Go see. Have some fun.

Update II:

You can get to the V.F. article all on one page from The Political Carnival, whose post title is:

Cue the shrieks-- It Came from Wasilla: Miss Personality...Disorder

And from a comment:

[...] Before, during, or after 2012 she's gonna make Blagojevich look like a paragon of mental health and reason.

Must see TV! I kinardly wait...

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