Sunday, July 5, 2009

What they're not getting ...

More than one blogger has problems with what Vice President Biden told Little George this morning concerning Israel vis a vis Iran:


"Israel can determine for itself — it’s a sovereign nation — what’s in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else," he said, in an interview taped in Baghdad at the end of a visit there.


As I heard it, Joe is giving Israel enough rope to hang herself. It might be in Israel's interest to bomb the shit out of Natanz but it is Israel's greater interest to continue getting the level of subsidy it currently enjoys from us. I wouldn't presume for one second Biden is giving them carte blanche.


After sleeping on it, I'm inclined to think, should Israel bomb the shit out of Natanz, the protection of the U.S. veto at the U.N. might disappear, rather than American donations.

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