Monday, July 13, 2009

When life gives you lemons ...

Make lemonade. Jill:


But l'Affaire Ensign has served one useful purpose, and that is to blow the door off of the "C Street House", which seems to be the headquarters of "The Family"'s efforts to replace American democracy with something akin to Divine Right of Kings ...

It's time to clear the Jesus freaks out of government and the military. It's all these fucking 'pillars of morality' who got us into messes we're in to begin with. This is fucking America, you cult-ass motherfuckers. No one has a divine right to any-fucking-thing and the military is not 'God's Crusading Army'. I'm tired of these sanctimonious, hypocritical, fuckwads deciding what's good for me and millions of people around the world who neither believe nor accept their fucked up worldview.

Fuck you. All of you. If you wanna preach 'god's word', go back to the congregations who believe your mystical bullshit. I'm tired of having to put up with your false morality, American exceptionalism, and all around disrespect of anyone who doesn't believe your drivel. You wanna live in a theocracy? Move to Iran. But I'll be damned if I let you turn Washington into Tehran.

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