Saturday, August 1, 2009

About the Christians ...

One of the reasons I basically laugh at Christianity; you know, those who profess so much love for the teachings of Christ? About those Crusades? Yeah, Jesus would have loved that. All the good stuff that went on during the Reformation? Another top-ten on Jesus' hit parade. The Holocaust? Oh yes, the Nazis were ordained by God, don'cha know. And you know what really blows a stiff breeze up JC's skirt? Batocchio via Digby:


The disconnect from professed Christians on the torture "debate" is particularly astounding. Given how central the crucifixion story is to Christianity, and that it depicts Jesus tortured and then executed in one of the most cruel methods ever devised, it's mind-boggling to see anyone claim that supporting torture and Christianity are compatible - or that Jesus would support waterboarding. According to Christian doctrine, Jesus' suffering redeemed him and the world - but it's not the Romans who Christians are supposed to emulate in the story! "Turn the other cheek," "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "As you have done to the least of my brethren, so have you done unto me" are hardly pro-torture slogans. But in the hearts and minds of movement conservatives, not even Churchill, Saint Ronnie or Jesus himself can compete with the comforting violence of Jack Bauer.


Oh, we're so saintly because we "defend the unborn", but once they're spat from the womb they're ours to do with as we please. Jesus loves him a target-rich environment.

I'm sorry. I know, to many of you, your faith in some supreme being gives you comfort and strength. I know there are a lot of people who do follow Jesus' word and are very good folks; quite a few of them in my family. What I don't get, though, is how people square themselves with the hypocrisy of those who purportedly "speak god's word". From the things I've heard and seen over the course of my lifetime from religious leaders, from all I've read of history and the wars and atrocities committed in the name of god, I feel safe to say that Jesus would never recognize these people at his followers and he would vomit if he learned what has been done in his name.

And these people believe they can judge my morality? It's to laugh.


Our pal Montag has more 'Christian fellowship':

You don't have to worry about torture, the evils of the world or even Jesus Christ Himself. Ray McGovern examines the paradox of Institutional Christianity that does not practice or believe the teachings of Christ.


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