Thursday, August 20, 2009

Barking at the Moon ...

The White House on Wednesday rejected reports that it is abandoning its effort to secure a bipartisan healthcare reform bill.




White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said the administration remains committed to drawing Republican support for the bill, particularly in the Senate.


What Republican support? They want to pick it apart until it's only one, drippy, shit-covered, square of single-ply asswipe.


He said the White House believes some Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee "are still working in a constructive way to get reform through the Senate and ultimately to the president's desk."


In what Senate? Our Senate? The United States of America's Senate? Because I don't think me and Gibbs are looking at the same group of 'lawmakers'.

Please, fellas, it's the Dog Days of Summer and it's too hot and humid here in NY for me to shove my head that far up my ass to understand your point of view. Idiots.

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