Sunday, August 16, 2009

Clark AFB gone, sex trade, er, limps on...


Fields Avenue, the main pedestrian drag in Angeles City, is a legacy of the time when this row of run-down bars was the romping ground of restless young American airmen stationed at Clark Air Base.

A thriving sex tourism trade attracts foreign customers by the thousands in search of something they cannot find back home: girls young enough to be their granddaughters selling sex for the price of a burger and fries.

I bet a lot of 'em tried this on their granddaughters, but the girls just ate the burgers and fries and went on home. Heh.

Once populated by men in their early 20s who started each day with 100 push-ups, the place is now home to older men who need help pushing themselves out of bed in the morning.

The Air Force does pushups? Do tell!

Suddenly, a group of twentysomething men storms past, laughing and arm-punching. The news spreads and girls pop their heads out the doorways to catch a glimpse of boys their own age.

One calls after them with a deal she hopes they can't refuse:

"Free!" she says, laughing.

Heh. These gals deserve to have some FUN once in a while. With the young guys they can at least pass on the three-quarters of their work which is the, er, fluffing part.

There may be very little truth to the rumor I am starting here that many of the girls have been spotted with signs reading "Fixah, come back!"

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