Friday, August 21, 2009

Convictions ...

How come former Bush administration members only develop a conscience long after it would be meaningful? If you're gonna get in touch with your convictions, you can't wait until it's politically comfortable.


So we have Powell, Ashcroft and Ridge all understanding the lawlessness of the Bush-Cheney Administration but choosing to wait until after the 2004 election to announce their resignations, when they were simply replaced with more "trusted" Bush insiders. Had these three individuals resigned before the election and disclosed their differences with the criminal policy that was being carried out, it's hard to imagine how Bush could have been re-elected.


Hope you can sleep well at night, fellas. I wonder if you all realize how much blood is on your hands. If you do, a loaded revolver would settle things. Ask the Japanese how that works.


The Rude One says it plainly:


So it wasn't important enough for Tom Ridge to tell Americans that the White House was going to scare them into doubling down on George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. No, that didn't matter, like it didn't matter to Colin Powell or any of dozens of craven cunts who polluted the nation. It didn't matter to Tom Ridge that he could have ended the presidency of someone who actually wanted to lie to us that we were on the verge of attack in order to maintain power. That's actual evil, motherfuckers. Ridge didn't resign until February 2005, distant enough from the election so that the Bush administration could fully consolidate its power (until God, tired of waiting for an honorable person to turn on the White House, decided to fuck that up in August of that year*).


*That would be Hurricane Katrina, for those with short memories.

Update Zwei:



But, as Burke opined, "The only thing needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing," and such was the case. Robert* [Richard] Clarke notified the President and others in the national security apparatus that Osama bina Badboy was planning on striking us, but it was blown off in exchange for fantasies about how bad Saddam Hussein was.

With predictable results.


*Unbeknownst to Walt, Robert Clarke is a character in my novels (the President of the United States); also a former player for the Philadelphia Flyers enshrined in the Hockey Hall of Fame. Richard Clarke was the guy "running around with his hair on fire" in August of 2001.

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