Saturday, August 22, 2009

Go back, Jack ...

Do it again. D-cap to President Obama:


In reality, despite the incredible heat you will take - your best alternative is to call for a mulligan. Throw in the towel and start again sometime down the road, with a better, simpler, more organized and consistent plan. Anyone with half a brain knows that anything passed after this debacle will simply be a piece of legislation to allow you to save face. It will be watered down, ineffective, half-assed and probably end up doing more harm than good. You have always stuck me as a man who can admit mistakes and move on. Now is your chance to admit this was a very big one and begin again. You called the Gates-Crowley mess a learning experience, now lets learn something from the Death Panel/Keep Your Hands off Medicare disaster. [my em]


The next time, do it without the fucking Republicans.

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