Tuesday, August 25, 2009

If that brain-dead scumbag Peter King ...

Hates it, you know they're probably on the right track:


GOP Congressman Peter King -- the ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee -- had this rancid outburst today in Politico regarding Eric Holder's decision to investigate whether laws were broken by the Bush administration's torture ...

I saw that idiot Bill Bennett on Wolfie today (The tanner-by-the-day Suzanne 'I could be John Boner's daughter' Malveaux substituting, Carville was his usual jabbering monkey-on-crack self) getting all worked up about Holder's investigation too. Maybe I was a bit hasty yesterday. If wingnut heads are exploding, maybe this investigation might lead farther than we all think. I'll be happy to be wrong.




Hmmm. So what is Rep. King so entirely furious about again? That his beloved CIA is under fire or that his beloved party committed war crimes, which he does not want investigated? I am guessing the lat[t]er. Perhaps King knows something that he is keeping quiet and a special prosecutor would be just the right type of person to pull it out of him. Is that why he is so worried?


I'd drive to the federal building just to see him perpwalked inside.

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