Friday, August 14, 2009

Just STFU ...

I'm so sick of this health care 'debate'. The people who yell loudest about the issues have no clue (or worse, are paid shills for the insurance industry) and yet they're given a forum and credibility. The seniors, those who will be affected least by any reform, allow themselves to be scared into apoplexy instead of finding the facts for themselves. Our pal PC has a good idea for those who want "government to keep their hands of my Medicare".


And various old farts who have been enjoying the Socialistic, Government-run and funded Medicare for a good part of their worthless lives, are out in force screaming and yelling and acting like idiots and making the rest of us old farts look bad.

Hey, lookit, you ignorami: If you're THAT het-up about Socialism, get off Medicare! Find someone willing to insure you and pay for it out of your own fucking pockets. The rest of us will take your place. I'd be happy for some government-run and funded Medicare. Die already, you worthless, oxygen-stealing sacks of shit, instead of embarrassing the rest of us who might be in your age demographic. Jesus fucking J.H. Christ, what a worthless lot of louts.


A cornucopia of links over there with a great Cheezburger pic too.

This whole 'controversy' has been an obvious ginned-up fake to begin with and it really surprised me (though after blogging for 5 years it shouldn't have) how many people swallowed the craziness, hook, line, and sinker. How many people allowed themselves to become terrified over rumor and outright lies? It's disgusting and ridiculous.

I don't have much hope for whatever ends up being called reform after all this horseshit being spread so deeply. The next time somebody wants to reform something, I suggest they try the campaign financing system or the news media. If it weren't for the corporate apologists in the media and the bought-and-paid-for politicians, this country might just have a chance. I have a bad feeling the corporate/political system is too entrenched to be changed by anything short of cataclysm.

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