Monday, August 31, 2009


Yeah, ya are, lady

Think Progress, links and video

Texas Secessionist To Health Care Reform Advocates: ‘Go Back To The U.S. Where You Belong’

On Friday, ThinkProgress reported that “tenthers” in Texas were set to hold a pro-secession rally in Austin this weekend. According to the Texas Observer, upwards of 200 people attended the rally, where one speaker declared, “We hate the United States!”

We don't like you much either, asshole.

From The Texas Observer. Molly Ivins' old paper is still on the job.

So the secession leaders were a little peeved that they couldn’t get their good friends in the Texas GOP to show up today. After all, Fox News is paying attention: Miller was a guest on the Glenn Beck Program on June 23, discussing the possibility of Texas seceding.

Beck'll be a perfect fit in Texas. As a matter of fact, let's shove every right-wing loony in the country into Texas just before we slam the border gate shut on 'em.

Here's the best line from the Texas Observer article:

And they wonder why Perry and friends didn’t show up. Even for our governor, these people are toxic.

Note to Texas: You wanta secede? Here it is in words you can understand:

No deje que la puerta del éxito ya en el culo a la salida, pendejos.

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