Monday, August 24, 2009

We'll get a few 'bad apples' ...

And the authors of the torture regime will go free:


Attorney General Eric Holder today confirmed what has been suspected for many weeks: he has ordered what he calls "a preliminary review into whether federal laws were violated in connection with the interrogation of specific detainees at overseas locations." Holder's decision does not amount to the appointment of a Special Prosecutor, since a preliminary review is used, as he emphasized, "to gather information to determine whether there is sufficient predication to warrant a full investigation of a matter." More important, the scope of the "review" is limited at the outset to those who failed to "act in good faith and within the scope of legal guidance" -- meaning only those interrogators and other officials who exceeded the torture limits which John Yoo and Jay Bybee approved. Those who, with good faith, tortured within the limits of the OLC memos will "be protected from legal jeopardy" (the full Holder statement is here). [em and link in orig]


I'm thoroughly disgusted. This just accepts as legal the precepts laid down by Yoo and those in Cheney's office who seemed to regard torture the way I regard lesbian porn. It's Yoo, Addington, and the rest who should be the first up against the wall. Instead we'll have the equivalent of sergeants and privates taking the fall again while that little twat goes on fucking up the next generation at Bazerkley.

What the fuck? Who's in charge around here?

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