Saturday, August 29, 2009

You've been played ...

And you're just asking for more:


It's all worked perfectly for them, hasn't it, these three decades of Republican dominance? They've wanted to dismantle programs that help anyone other than corporations, and now their latest hero, George W. Bush, put us in eight short years into a position in which the New Deal and the Great Society will have to be dismantled, because there's no money to pay for them. The middle-class is going to scream bloody murder at paying more taxes, partially because they are struggling themselves, but also because they were told by Ronald Reagan and others that if they just worked hard enough, they too could enter the Kingdom of Rich Men, when said Kings knew full well that they had no intention of letting even the hardest-working schmoe into their little club. These men begrudge even the existence of a middle class, and so they set out to dismantle it -- and have largely succeeded. [my em]


And if ya keep listening to Republicans, your lives will just get worse. We're all gonna have to pay to get ourselves out of this mess, rich and poor alike, and if we don't wrap our heads around that real quick, there won't be a nation left to save.

Listen to me: When you hear Wall St. types talking about "how productive the American worker is" vis a vis "corporate earnings", it's rich person talk for wringing as much as they can out of you. Odds are, if you work for a big American corporation, you're doing the amount of work once done by four people. The rich have increased their income 400% in the past 25 years and you're working 4 times as hard. Figure it out, schmeckelheads.

Update (Sunday morning):



Why is it that these people keep alluding to shooting Obama all the time? (And why doesn't anyone give a damn?) Are they so far gone that they really believe that potential government spending requires them to start shooting? Seriously, nobody's taxes have gone up. Nobody's. The recession was already a year old when Obama took office and Bush spent a huge surplus on tax cuts for rich people which these fools all applauded like trained seals.



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