Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Newsmax Columnist: Military Coup May Be Needed 'To Resolve The Obama Problem'

TPMLiveWire, links at site.

In a column published yesterday, Newsmax's John L. Perry wrote that there is a "gaining" possibility that the military will stage a coup to "resolve the 'Obama problem.'"

Is it just me, or has the wingtard koolaid gotten stronger since the bastards lost?

The coup -- which would be "civilized" and "bloodless," according to Perry -- would consist of a "patriotic general" sitting down with the President and working out a new system in which "skilled, military-trained, nation-builders" would "do the serious business of governing and defending the nation" while Obama would still be allowed to make speeches.

How's that 'trained nation building' thing working out in the other places you wingnuts tried it, asshole?

Go read the rest of the piece. Here's a coupla 'comments':

This is called sedition and treason. It is a federal offense to promote the violent overthrow of our democratic government. I say haul his ass off to jail and stop this nonsense now before it gets out of hand. [...]

Hear, hear!

A federal offense? Where have you been for the last eight years? Didn't you know that Republicans, neo-conservatives, pseudo-conservatives, teabaggers, birthers, deathers and Rightwingers in general are all exempt from the Rule of Law.

It's in the Patriot Act.

As Jon Stewart said, "You lost, it's supposed to taste like a shit taco."

I think the next one was meant to be a joke on one level, but it's not really funny:

Would Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, both highly experienced military men, be leading the charge?

They are. It's much more likely that one of their unhinged listeners will try to do something to Obama than it is that military men will try to unseat their Commander-in-Chief. The U.S. only does military coups well in other countries.

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