Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Before we get carried away ...

By the New York Times article that Armageddon is nigh, don't believe it:


Obama's National Security Adviser, retired Marine Gen. James Jones, denies The New York Times' report that Iran's nuclear program is more advanced than previously believed; stands by the 2007 NIE conclusion that Iran ceased work on a nuclear weapons program back in 2003; and affirms that, as part of the ongoing negotiations, "Iran has taken positive steps," steps he deems "very significant." ...

Not that I pay attention, but I'm sure I'll be hearing "but the liberal New York Times says so, so we have to bomb Iran now" any time now. Unfortunately, someone whom I know is still connected with Brit intelligence seems convinced the Israelis are gonna hit Isfahan and Natanz early next spring. We'll see.

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