Monday, October 19, 2009

Black helicopters ...

This is the stuff of crap spy novels. Unfortunately, a good many of us are gullible enough to believe the propaganda:

Depending on your perspective, the Oath Keepers are either strident defenders of liberty or dangerous peddlers of paranoia.


More specifically, the group's members, which number in the thousands, pledge to disobey orders they deem unlawful, including directives to disarm the American people and to blockade American cities. By refusing the latter order, the Oath Keepers hope to prevent cities from becoming "giant concentration camps," a scenario the 44-year-old Rhodes says he can envision happening in the coming years.


Folks better get out from in front of their TVs and breathe fresh air again. To these people, life is one big Oliver Stone movie.


"The whole point of Oath Keepers is to stop a dictatorship from ever happening here," Rhodes, a former Army paratrooper and Yale-trained lawyer, said in an interview with the Review-Journal. "My focus is on the guys with the guns, because they can't do it without them.


I'd say you're about 8 years too late, pal. All your rights left during the Chimp's reign. Where were all of you then? If I had to guess, I'd say they were the ones cheering the loudest for us to "go kill some ragheads".

Great thanks to Oliver Willis for the link.

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