Friday, October 30, 2009

Die quickly ...

Kudos to President Obama for attempting to kill this policy. This was a bone thrown to the 'god people' by Bush and his Rethug Congress and all it's done is help to ruin young lives. "Just say no to sex" was just as effective as Nancy Reagan's "Just say no to drugs".

President Obama will be cutting funding for ineffective abstinence-only education ...

Good on him. Make the schools teach the children about their bodies honestly instead of preaching to them. I don't know about you but when I was at an "impressionable age", the more people told me not to do something, the more I wanted to do it. Education is always better than denial.


Somewhat related (god people and sex) and funny. Brad:


God loves us into being – we are begotten. Our creation is no accident, but the Love of God made manifest, and the "tools" or "materials" that He uses for that creation – committed love and the mysterious and miraculous products of that love – do, simply by their designation as "tools of God" demand a certain respect and recognition, because they are a great deal more than the equivalent of nasal mucous or earwax.

Which is funny, because to me semen is no less or more appealing than nasal mucous. You would think that if God had intended to make semen a Divine Excretion that He would have done more to hype it up. Say, by making it more sparkly and rainbow colored. Or if every time someone gets off, they hear the sound of a righteous trumpet blasting from their nether-regions.


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