Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Everybody hates Grayson ...

So you know he's doing the right thing:


The problem here is that Grayson makes a lot of people uncomfortable. The right hates him for obvious reasons. He is willing to call them out on their own terms and they just aren't used to that. But let's face it, he also makes the Democratic establishment nervous. He indicts them when he indicts the system of legalized bribery and inside job thievery that takes place among the ruling class of both parties. Many others are just made socially uncomfortable by someone who says impolitic things. (I don't call the Democrats the "don't make trouble" party for nothing.)They all have reason to be out for his head.


Keep going, pal. You didn't go to Congress to make friends, you went there to represent your constituents. Do right by them and you'll have nothing to worry about.

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