Friday, October 16, 2009

McCain apologizes for boob tweet

Raw Story

Meghan McCain, one of the daughters of former Republican presidential candidate John McCain, has apologized for using Twitter to post a picture in which she displayed an ample amount of cleavage.

Very nice, hon, no offense taken. They look very comfortable. The only people who'd take offense at your mildly cute picture are the ones who feign outrage about 'moral values' in public and consume mass quantities of porn in private. Oh, that's right, those are your people. Live with it.

Come ta think of it, I bet your Dad'd got a few more votes if he'da turned you out for the bikers' wet T-shirt contest last summer instead of your mom. Wouldn'ta been enough votes anyway, of course, but it'da been a lot more fun!

Enjoy 'em while ya got 'em, Meghan. They'll dry out and wither and droop pretty soon like all Repug broads' tits do. And, oh yeah, your face'll get all desiccated like a mummy too like the rest of 'em.

I don't know this first-hand of course, because I only hang out with good Librul gals who stay gorgeous and juicy forever thank you Jesus, but I understand there are other parts of Repug women that dry out and become useless too. That might explain a lotta the goings-on of Repug senators and congresspukes.

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