Friday, October 2, 2009

Mission Accomplished For Conservatives Who Rooted Against America

Think Progress, with video, links.

Although the United States sent a high-powered delegation to make a last-ditch effort to bring the 2016 Olympics to Chicago, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) ruled out the Windy City today. Of the final four cities — which also included Madrid, Toyko, and Rio — Chicago received the fewest votes. [...]

Always looking for a way to bring down Obama, conservatives not only criticized the President’s 15-hour trip, but also spent this week denegrating Chicago, downplaying the Olympics, and rooting against America. The criticisms have included mocking “fat people” in Chicago, gushing that Rio is just plain “awesome,” and saying that Chicago is too violent and doesn’t deserve the event.

So how will all these conservatives who have been rooting against the United States react now that their rhetoric has become reality? On Twitter, former Bush spokesman Scott Stanzel cautioned Republicans against gloating: “Note to GOP officials/consultants – resist the temptation to pile on about Chicago losing the Olympic bid just because Obama made the pitch.” His message didn’t reach RedState’s Erick Erickson, who immediately wrote:

Hahahahaha. I thought the world would love us more now that Bush was gone. I thought if we whored ourselves out to our enemies, great things would happen. Apparently not.

Bringing the Olympics wasn’t about cronyism. Besides U.S. pride, it was about an event that could have generated $22.5 billion in economic activity and the equivalent of 315,000 new full-time jobs in America.

More wingtard assholery to bring down Obama. I can almost see the bastards' point if he was trying to get the Olympics for those liberal hotbeds Noo Yawk or Smell. A., but Chicago?

I think all these anti-O 'tards should go to Chicago immediately and brag about dissin' that fair city to save the country from socialism. Heh.

Well, Rio got the nod.

Don't get me wrong. I like Chicago. My mother, of Polish descent, was from Chicago. I had a girlfriend there once, also of Polish descent with an Irish name to boot*. Nice people, good food, although the same can be said of any big city of diversity. They've even got a U-Boat in one of the museums. I haven't been there since Hurricane Richard was mayor, but I have great memories of that toddlin' town.

*Best of both worlds - she was built like a brick shithouse and could drink like a fish. There is something to be said for the 'melting pot' concept of America.

That said, if I had the choice of going to Chicago or Rio de Janeiro to spend a little time and a lotta money, I think I'd head south too like the IOC people chose, and for about the same reasons:

Senior Australian IOC member Kevan Gosper surmised that Asian voters may have banded together for Tokyo in the first round, at Chicago’s expense.

“I’m shocked,” Gosper said. “The whole thing doesn’t make sense other than there has been a stupid bloc vote.”

Heh. That sneaky little stupid bloc of Asians know what's up: Sun, sand, blue water, beaches, and most of all, tall, brownskinned, big titted beauties. I can't say I blame 'em.

The wingtards are claiming credit for something they had nothing to do with. As usual. And they rooted against America in order not to do it. Great patriots to a man, unless their anti-American regressive agenda calls for something much less.

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