Saturday, October 24, 2009

Once a Dick, Always a Dick

Hillbilly Report

The Republican Party as a whole is suffering from a huge case of mass amnesia. They seem to forget that they are the ones that crashed our economy. They seem to forget that they are the ones that made the whole world hate us. They forget that every policy they enacted was a miserable failure and that our country is paying huge, steep price for it now. In the case of Dick Cheney, he has forgotten that he was the one that dropped the ball on Afghanistan by insisting on a failed, costly in lives and treasure, war in Iraq.

Months after thankfully being escorted out of public life, and months after making a fool of himself speaking on things he obviously knows nothing about, Dick Cheney has been proving yet again that well, Once a Dick, always a Dick.

Enjoy the rest, including videos and this jewel:

Frank Gaffney to Ron Reagan Jr. "Your father would be ashamed of you."

Ron Reagan Jr. to Frank Gaffney: "You Better Watch You Mouth About That Frank"

That's the ticket! We need more of that with these Repug throwbacks! Kudos, Ron.

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