Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quotes of the Day, with video!

Max Blumenthal, author of Republican Gomorrah, appeared on Tavis Smiley last night, discussing how the xtian right has subsumed the Repug party and why it is fucking up all over the place. Here's the quote, slightly paraphrased due to my senior memory, from 7:56 in the video:

The sun is setting on this movement and what we're hearing from them now is a death rattle, but a death rattle can be very profound and very dangerous.

Hmmmmm. Fundie and Repug death rattle good. Fundies and Repugs dangerous bad. Profound? Ha! You make me laugh, Max! I getcher drift though.

QotD pt. 2 (10:35):

The conservative movement isn't dead. It's undead. It's like a zombie lurching at Obama.

Take 11:31 and go see the full interview. Worth the time.

Also see Max on Democracy Now. I usually watch that just to lust after Amy Goodman. Max really lays it on the Usual Suspects in this one.

Notable quotes:

Faith in a holy cause is a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.

On their opposition to health care reform:

What we're seeing is a movement that is terrified that government will start to be able to solve people's crises because they survive and thrive on manipulating people's personal crises.

Much more.

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