Friday, October 9, 2009

The Rams Deserve Him

Think Progress, links at site:

Black NFL Players ‘Wouldn’t Play’ For Limbaugh’s Team: ‘He’s A Jerk’

Earlier this week, the media reported that hate radio host Rush Limbaugh is involved in a bid to purchase the National Football League’s St. Louis Rams franchise. Many sports media figures lambasted the idea of Limbaugh owning an NFL team, with one writer saying it “would definitely hurt” the Rams while another said his “head exploded after hearing this Limbaugh news” because he is “a pungent bowl of stark raving bigoted lunacy.”

Now, the players themselves are piling on. Specifically, many African-American players have explicitly stated that they would never play for a team that Rush Limbaugh owns. “All I know is from the last comment I heard, he said in (President) Obama’s America, white kids are getting beat up on the bus while black kids are chanting ‘right on,’” New York Giants defensive end Mathias Kiwanuka told the New York Daily News, adding, “I don’t want anything to do with a team that he has any part of.” Other black players expressed similar sentiments:

Then follows some players' sentiments and a recap of Limpbaugh's racist remarks.

Advising the NFL to block Limbaugh’s pursuit of an NFL franchise, St. Louis Dispatch sports columnist Bryan Burwell wrote recently, “Dancing with Limbaugh is like dancing with a snake. Eventually, the snake will bite you. That’s his nature.”

I disagree. I hope Rushole buys the Rams and then loses all the black players. It'll serve those goddam Rams turncoats right for leaving L.A. and taking the one pro team I ever rooted for in my life since childhood away from me.

Rushole Update:

Miss America pageant selects sexist Rush Limbaugh to judge its competition.

OK Fixer, I give up. You win. Irony is deader'n a carp.

On the other hand, who gives a shit. That competition is sexist its own self, and according to one commenter over there:

We still have Miss America pagents?

Huh. Who knew?


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