Monday, October 12, 2009

Support the Troops? NIMBY!

[Welcome to Crooks and Liars readers. Thanks, Mike! ~ F]

Veterans For Common Sense

October 11, 2009, Taylor, Texas (Austin American-Statesman) — A California company wants to convert an empty facility formerly used as nursing home into a trauma assistance center for as many as 88 female veterans, including those who have been sexually assaulted by fellow soldiers.

But some Taylor residents say they don't want the facility in their town.

Wolbrueck lives across the street from the proposed facility where veterans would live. She said she fears that veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder might attack residents in the Buttermilk Hill neighborhood.

"They can have an episode where a flashback transports them back into a combat situation, and they can perceive anyone as a threat: an elderly person taking a walk around the neighborhood, or a child on a bike," she said.

Yeah, 'support the troops' is fine. Until they need support. Then they're all crazed time bombs and should go live in someone else's neighborhood or under a bridge. Maybe especially female veterans - PTSD combined with PMS might level the joint.

Yeesh. Moral values, you know. It's for the children. Hooray for the red, white, and blue. Until the chickens come home to roost, that is.

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