Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Want fries with that 'Sacre Bleu!'?

NY Daily News. Read the comments.

In a move guaranteed to wipe the famous smile off Mona Lisa's mug, McDonald's is planning to open an eatery inside France's great temple of culture: the Louvre museum.

There went the neighborhood...

The newspaper said workers at the museum were aghast, quoting an art historian fretting about "the very unpleasant odors" that might waft through the distinguished old palace.

That from the people who invented perfume before they heard about soap!

A country that famously venerates haute cuisine and the joys of regional recipes has fallen hard for standardized American grease bombs. In 2007, France became McDonald's biggest market outside of the United States.

If ya think I'm needlin' my favorite Francophile and epicure Le Fixeur a little, yer right. Heh.

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