Monday, October 12, 2009

Wingnut logic ...

George W. Bush (if the Scandinavians would stop smoking dope) should be the one to get the Nobel Peace Prize. Scott takes a look:

Doug Giles, pastor of Our Lady of Free In-Room Coffee and HBO, and father of Fantasy Camp Follower Hannah Giles, is here to pierce Obama’s Nobel Prize-winning pretension like a Roman soldier poking Jesus with a spear to see if he’s done.


Being a godless infidel, I hadn't been to a church service in a while (aside from weddings and funerals) and I hadn't realized they changed their whole schtick.


What kind of Scandinavian trip weed are you guys roasting up there in your skull bongs? You blondies are orbiting the moon on this one!


Of course, if the Nobel boys truly wanted to dole out props to people who actually brought real peace to rank regions, men such as George W. Bush, who liberated 50 million Muslims in Iraq living under jackass Hussein’s murderous boot


Last mass I went to, Fr. Joe talked about the church carnival that raised money to help the disadvantaged in South America and Africa. He talked about helping your fellow man who'd fallen on hard times (it was during the 'Nixon Recession') and the losses to our parish in the Veitnam war (everybody knew a family where a father or son was killed there). He talked about kindness and caring for all of God's children.

I guess all that compassion went out the window in the past 35 years in favor of hate and prejudice. Services in this guy's church must resemble a Klan meeting.

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