Thursday, November 5, 2009

Doomsday Tea Party

Don't miss this one-page article in MoJo.

For more than a decade Dr. Igor Panarin, a Russian academic, has been predicting that sometime around 2010 the United States will collapse, splintering into separate states, some of them controlled by foreign powers. Outside of Russia, no one's put much stock in his crackpot and stereotype-based theories—until now, that is. Who are the newest members of the Igor Panarin fan club? Tea partiers who’ve rallied against the Obama administration's policies and blasted the president for pushing a "socialist" agenda. And he's especially big among tea party activists in Texas, who have hosted Panarin and promoted his work.

In Russia, Panarin, who hosts a weekly radio show, is considered a mainstream expert on the United States. Like Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Panarin used to work for the KGB. He clearly has the support of the Kremlin, for he heads the school that trains Russia's diplomats. And since the election of Barack Obama last November, Panarin has found a new audience in America among far right activists, many of whom believe Obama is destroying the country.

Ex-KGB is like ex-Marine - doesn't exist. This sounds to me like planned disinformation to stir up the stoopids and it appears to be working.

It doesn't surprise me that the wingtards'll fall for anything negative about "Obama's America", but going with this Rushov Limbaughski does surprise me a little bit even though I know it shouldn't. I think they know their doomsday predictions aren't going to come true and are grasping at any straw, however ridiculous and this is pretty ridiculous, to keep their paranoia alive. The Russki's gotta be laughin' his ass off at these fools and takin' it right to the bank.

Mr. Panarin describes in some detail which parts of the U.S. will splinter under which foreign influences and it's a hoot to think of Texas as being dominated by Mexico! Hey, Mexico, we'd love to see Texas be your problem for a change! Your drug cartels'd be easier to housebreak! Some of the others would probably be more civilized than they are now. Heh.

Personally, my Mayan shaman says it isn't true and we actually have until 2012.

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