Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ex-GOP Congressman walks out when taunted over lack of military service

Heh. Raw Story, with video. Entire segment here.

Former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo attempted to argue against Democratic plans for health care reform on Friday by claiming veterans were dissatisfied with their government-run health care. He was confronted by blogger Markos Moutlitsas, who unlike Tancredo is a veteran himself, and reacted by stalking off the set of MSNBC's The Ed Show where both men were guests.

Kos is a former US Army artilleryman. A Librul who served! Imagine that! (wink)

Tancredo is a racist chickenhawk. A warmonger who won't fight but has no problem sending others to do it and die. Typical.

Moulitsas, founder of The Daily Kos, began laughing as Tancredo was speaking. "Tom, I'm a veteran," he told Tancredo. "I did not get a deferment because I was too depressed to fight in a war that I supported in Vietnam."

This was a slightly garbled reference to Tancredo's having obtained 1-Y status in 1970, after his student deferments ran out, on the grounds that he had been "diagnosed with depression when he was 16 or 17 and received medication for five years for panic attacks and bouts of anxiety and depression." Tancredo was 24 at the time.

You could get a 1Y in those days with a note from your doctor saying you got migraines. If you were white.

Moulitsas and Tancredo then began speaking over one another, but Tancredo finally managed to say, "You're not going to try to insult me that way and then pretend like we're just going on and talking about that. You either apologize or I'm off."

"I'm not pretending anything," Moulitsas replied. "I told you straight up." At that point, Tancredo ripped off his earpiece and microphone and left the set.

Heh. I think running from his past in public like that is a sure-fire way of making sure it's going to come up again. I hope. The truth has a way of bubbling up to the surface. Or maybe clawing its way out of the grave Tancredo thought it was buried in.

Note to Tancredo: You can bury the past, but you can't kill it. It will find you. Best stay under your rock if you wish to avoid the sunlight.

From the 'obtained' link:

But it is a bit too consistent that one of the current bottom tier GOP presidential contenders is just another Chickenhawk. Like Cheney who got multiple deferments that kept him from serving in Vietnam, like Bush who used Daddy's help to get him in the cushy Texas Air National Guard to avoid combat, Tancredo got himself out of the army during a war he supported by declaring that he was mentally ill.

If the story seems all too emblematic of GOP hypocrisy, that is because it is true.

Get lost, Tancredo. Go back to Wingerado and watch your John Wayne movies and pretend you're a man and a good American.

Go away, boy, you bother me.

Also, kudos to Kos for digging up this little bit of Tancredo's past and making him run from a fact-based taunt from a Liberal on national TV. He mighta got rid of him for quite a while.


From Kos hisself:

No, there's no mail from the Tancredo showdown. Kind of hard to defend their guy when he cut and run from a pussy liberal communist Nazi blogger.

Heh. Even harder to defend a draft-dodging hypocrite who was just going along with Repug policy then as now. They just want it to go away.

Update II:

It dawns on me that maybe one reason the Repugs aren't stickin' up for Tancredo is that even the wingtards don't like him.

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