Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's always the grunts ...

Who get it. Not excusing anyone's behavior but we saw this with Abu Ghraib. A buncha sergeants, corporals, and privates got busted (plus a Reserve general) and the authors of the policy walked. Same thing is happening here. Mostly low-level operators (one station chief) are now effectively under 'house arrest' here in the States yet once again, Bush, Cheney, and the rest of those who ordered these missions are free to live their lives.

You never quite know where Italy is going next. The down side to these convictions is that it's falling on some but not all of those involved in the disgraceful "extraordinary rendition" policy. What about those who gave the orders at the top? Why should the Bush administration get a free pass on this?


They should all be indicted and, hopefully, convicted but if the big shots are always gonna skate, you're in denial if you think justice is being done. There are always those in the lower echelons who will follow whatever orders are given them. It's the people at the top who know that and exploit it and they are the real criminals.

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